Mischelle Weaver

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I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Over the course of the last few months, many of my coaching tips have focused on setting reasonable goals that move us forward.  Taking time to think about the things we want for ourselves, new hobbies, or skills we’d like to learn.   What is important to us and how can we care for ourselves and our families.  As important as it is to invest in ourselves, to grow, it’s also important to be prepared in case there are challenges ahead.  There’s a story that reveals an important message about this topic.  I’m going to paraphrase to shorten it up…

A farmer was looking for a farm hand.  A young man came to him and applied.  When asked about his qualifications, the young man replied, “I can sleep through a storm.”  Although skeptical, the farmer hired the hand.  A few weeks later a violent storm hit.  The farmer and his wife ran to look for the hired hand, only to find him sound asleep.  The farmer was very frustrated and angry.  Determined to fire him in the morning, the farmer and his wife walked the farm to access the damage, only to find that everything was intact.  The farm tools and equipment had all been secured, the tractor and barn locked up tight.  There were no signs of any damage, despite the horrific storm.  The farm hand did all his work ahead of time, so he was prepared if any storm hit.  He could sleep in peace.

What things can you do this coming year to prepare for a possible storm?  Stress and worry take their toll on us when we’re caught off guard and unsure of how to navigate a challenge.  What if you committed to being prepared for those potential issues?  Could you sleep through a storm knowing that everything is cared for?