Mischelle Weaver

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DAY 20 - High Five!

I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Good Morning! There are only 20 days left in 2022 and I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 using daily coaching challenges to help you finish strong - you can join us anytime. As you take the time to review the past several days, congratulate yourself on any of the coaching tips you’ve adopted. These are all meant to support you in finishing 2022 strong! While change can be hard, it can also be very rewarding. Time to give yourself a high five!

Day 24 - Let’s NOT circle back after the New Year. I challenge you to deal with the here and now and not put off for tomorrow what you can accomplish today. And when your colleague says let’s circle back, give a little pushback to them instead.

Day 23 - I believe kindness, caring, and compassion for others resides in all of us.  We control when to let it out and when to not bother ourselves with the challenges others face.

Day 22 - The media paints a picture of teenagers always being so wrapped up in their technology, disengaging from being part of the world around them.  I’m reminded that painting all kids with the broad brush of “they don’t care” is completely wrong.  I encourage everyone to find ways to pull your kiddos into opportunities that just might speak to their hearts, you might just be surprised!

Day 21 - What is far more difficult than a bad decision is living with the regret of not taking the chance when we could. It’s okay to feel uncertain, even a bit scared. Those are the feelings that remind us that we’re alive. Life would be so boring if we knew what was around every corner. We have the power to say yes to the unknown and the power to change direction if it’s not what we envisioned. So be fearless, take a chance!