Mischelle Weaver

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I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Henry Ford had a saying that I’ve shared with my daughters many times over the years, “whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right.”  This is such a true statement.  What is it in us that makes us question our ability to be successful at something before we even start?  Confidence, fear of failure, an excuse to not even want to try?  Regardless of the reasons we tell ourselves, if we decide we can’t do something, we will certainly be right.

Our thoughts dictate our actions, plain and simple.  The actions determine our results.  An NFL wide receiver doesn’t take the field with the belief that he’ll never be able to catch a pass.  If he does, chances are he won’t be in the game, or the league, very long!  That wide receiver takes the field with the belief that no matter what pass is thrown to him, he’s on it and he’ll catch it.  It has to be that way.

For the rest of us, the same rules apply.  Our thoughts dictate our actions.  Our actions determine our results.  If we want that promotion at work, to finally finish the novel we’ve worked on for years, or enroll in the MBA program, we have to be able to envision success.  What will life feel like when you get that promotion, self-publish your novel for the world to read, or graduate with an MBA?   

Do not put it off any longer.  It’s time to create an outcome so vivid in your mind that you can see it.  If you think you can – you’re right!