Mischelle Weaver

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I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Time continues to pass by so quickly.  When we started writing “the last 100 days of 2022” it still seemed like there was a lot of time to button things up and finish 2022 strong.  In a blink, it’s December 2nd with less than 30 days left until New Year’s Eve.  So, there’s no time to let off the gas…

If you’ve applied any of our action items so far, then you’ve seen some progress and progression in what you want and desire for your life.  Getting more organized, taking steps towards your goals, or maybe handling challenges at work a little more positively – all changes which can create long-term, sustainable impact.   

What I find from talking with people is that the hardest part of making changes is getting started.  Personally, I think keeping the momentum can actually be more challenging.  There are so many opinions on how long you have to keep up a new behavior before it becomes a routine.  I have never been one to put a timeframe on changing behaviors.  I think that creates limiting beliefs that if “I can just hit XX days then I won’t have to try anymore or it won’t feel burdensome.”  If we then have a setback, the thought of starting over to hit a specified number of days again can feel defeating.  I’d rather focus on being intentional and consistent rather than focus on timeframes.  Anything we want in life takes deliberate intentions to maintain it. It takes work and that’s okay.  Mastering a new skill, creating a new wellness regimen, and learning a new trade; will take effort.  And when we are successful, the feeling of satisfaction is totally worth it!  We feel it when we realize that our commitments are aligned with our beliefs and desires and we’re willing to do the work to achieve it.

As we hit the home stretch of 2022, keep focused on the goals you’ve set for yourself.  Remember that with each day we’re building a life for ourselves and our families that will continue to nurture and challenge us to be our best selves!  You’ve got this!