Mischelle Weaver

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I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

The decisions we make about our commitments, the time we’re willing to devote to them, and how much time we intentionally spend with the people who matter the most to us, all define how our legacy will look and be remembered.  

What’s a legacy?  Of course, there are different definitions and opinions.  What does legacy me to you?  Is it the wealth or possessions you have amassed?  The business you built and will pass down to a family member?  The children you raised?  The amount of charitable contributions?  Time with family?  The trips you took or service hours you logged?  

While all of these could be considered part of a legacy, I think it’s important to start looking at the things we do in our daily lives as part of that legacy.  If we did, would we do anything differently?  Would we take more time with someone who needed our attention?  Would we skip that round of golf to be at our daughter’s recital?  Would we pass on a night on the town for a family movie night at home?  Would we go out of our way for someone, even when we were tired from a long week?

With each interaction, we create an imprint of who we are.  Those imprints collect over time and the people we spend the most time with draw upon those memories to see us where we are; how we’ve shown up.  Do we want our legacy to be someone who was too busy to take time to talk and listen?  Or will our legacy be someone who always had time for people and made sure they felt heard?  Will it be a legacy of only doing the right thing when others are around to see it and congratulate us, or a legacy of positive impact that was created in the background, without needing the accolades?

How will you show up today?  What does that do for your legacy and how you’ll be remembered?