Mischelle Weaver

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DAY 60 - High Five!

I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

This week we focused heavily on networking and I would love to hear what you’ve worked on - please let me know in the comments or email me anytime! High Five on sticking with your daily coaching challenges for one month! There are only 60 days left in 2022, how will you make a difference in your goals?

Day 64 – Networking Matters, Part ll – In-person, networking events can feel intimidating and uncomfortable.  But for many of us, they’re necessary.  If you put some of our suggested strategies into place, high five!  Don’t avoid these opportunities, prepare, and jump into what they can offer!

Day 63 – Networking Matters, Part lll – Statistics are showing that using your network to find a job or advance your career is the only way to go.  If you used some of the recommended actions to utilize your network in your job search – that’s fantastic!  

Day 62 – Networking Matters, Part lV – Give back to your network.  What makes a strong network so valuable is the way people use it to build stronger relationships, make connections and get assistance when needed.  This is achieved by receiving and giving support to those around us, reciprocally.  If you made the time to give back to those in your network this week, high five!

Day 61 – Book Recommendation – Make Your Bed.  This is a powerful book, one that is both thought-provoking and enjoyable to read.  If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do.  Admiral McRaven is a true storyteller and brings up so many incredible principles that we all can learn from.  Did you add it to your library?