I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.
When beginning a coaching relationship with a client, there are a number of steps we follow, like identifying the reasons they seek coaching. What are their goals? What are the desired timeframes for achieving them? Then we break down the steps to get there. But before any of that can happen, the client has to get really clear on what their number one “thing” is. What’s the most important goal at this stage? What has been pulling at them? Walking through this process allows the client to refine their objectives and then actually say it and write it; this puts language to it, so it becomes real.
By October next year, I will open my online store.
By March 31st, I will have completed the outline for my new book.
Beginning November 1st, I will make no less than 10 cold calls per week, track the outcome, and send follow-up emails or phone calls for each one.
Where many people tend to fail at achieving important goals is not being concise and making the goal tangible and attainable. We may think in our heads that these are the things we know we should do, but that’s not enough. By actually articulating what we need to focus on, with precision (i.e., my book outline by March 31st), we breathe life and accountability into what we want for ourselves. Our number one thing.