Mischelle Weaver

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DAY 80 - High Five

I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Time to celebrate the progress.

DAY 84 - JUST DON’T LISTEN TO THEM - It's important to remember that the people who love us, most often want what’s best for us. It might not feel that way if they put down the things you are doing to improve your life. Understand where that’s coming from and when the time is right, talk it through. But do not let that derail your dream! Stay the course and know that it will most likely work itself out.

DAY 83 - RAISE NECESSITY - What habits have you longed to put into place but can’t figure out why you haven’t?  Make a list then look into the necessity of the habit. Identify at least 2 habits you will implement this week based on your evaluation.  Find the “why” and you will raise your necessity for success.

DAY 82 - RECOMMENDED READING – COACH TO COACH - This book is loaded with poignant and powerful quotes which tie directly into its teachings. Whether you follow sports or not, the athletic backdrop is perfect for how to challenge, encourage and support someone you are coaching or mentoring in any environment. It’s not to be missed!

DAY 81 - FINDING A VOICE TO BE A LEADER - It’s important to remember the way we teach and lead our children as parents through our actions and our words, our voice, is also how our peers observe and learn from us as well. When we show leadership, conviction, empathy, and pride in our work it will always rub off on the right people. And those who are ready to listen are the ones we can help to become the leaders of tomorrow. Leadership is learned and earned. Who in your life, whether personal or professional, can you help guide and lead? Find that person and show interest in them and offer to help coach them to find their voice.

As you take the time to review the past several days, congratulate yourself on any of the coaching tips you’ve adopted. These are all meant to support you in finishing 2022 strong! While change can be hard, it can also be very rewarding. Time to give yourself a high five!