Mischelle Weaver

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Day 15: Elevate Your Network and Celebrate the Holidays

Welcome to Day 15 of the "100 Days of Personal Growth Challenge"! Today, we're combining the joy of the upcoming holidays with the opportunity to strengthen connections and expand your professional network. It's time to plan a networking event that blends festive cheer with valuable relationships.

As an executive coach, I recognize the significance of nurturing your professional network. Building and maintaining connections can be a powerful tool for personal and career growth. So, let's dive into this challenge with enthusiasm, purpose, and a dash of holiday spirit!

Your Challenge: Plan a networking event. Reach out to colleagues or contacts and schedule a gathering to celebrate the holiday season together.

Now, let's break down the steps to plan a successful networking event that combines the best of the holiday season with the opportunity to connect and grow professionally.

Step 1 - Set a Date

The first step is to choose a date that works for you and your potential attendees. The holiday season provides an excellent backdrop for bringing people together, as many are in a celebratory mood.

Step 2 - Define the Purpose

Next, clarify the purpose of your networking event. Is it primarily aimed at exchanging professional insights, building new relationships, or simply celebrating the holidays together? Having a clear objective helps you tailor the event to meet your goals.

Step 3 - Select a Venue

Now, decide whether the event will be in-person or virtual. The choice of venue or platform should align with your objectives and accommodate the number of attendees you anticipate.

Step 4 - Create an Agenda

Plan the flow of the event. Consider including activities like introductions, icebreakers, or discussions related to your field or shared interests. However, keep in mind that networking events should allow for informal mingling and conversation—don't make it overly structured.

Step 5 - Compose Invitations

Craft invitations or messages to send to your colleagues or contacts. Ensure that these invitations clearly state the date, time, purpose, and any special considerations. Make it easy for people to RSVP and understand what to expect.

Step 6 - Follow-Up

Reach out individually to potential attendees to gauge their interest and confirm their participation. Personalized follow-ups can make a significant difference in attendance rates.

Step 7 - Prepare Resources

If your event involves sharing resources or presentations, make sure they are ready in advance. Technical glitches or last-minute preparations can detract from the overall experience.

Step 8 - Facilitate Networking

During the event, actively encourage networking and conversation among participants. Provide opportunities for everyone to introduce themselves and share their professional interests or goals. Creating a welcoming atmosphere is essential for networking success.

Step 9 - Express Gratitude

At the end of the event, express your gratitude for everyone's attendance and contributions. Consider sending handwritten thank-you notes the following day to show your appreciation.

Combining Festive Spirit with Valuable Connections

Celebrating the holidays while expanding your professional network is a win-win. It allows you to enjoy the festive season while also growing your circle of professional relationships. Whether you're looking to exchange insights, explore collaboration opportunities, or simply enjoy the company of like-minded individuals, this networking event provides a unique platform.

Day 15 is your opportunity to blend the joy of the holidays with the growth potential of networking. Plan that event, extend your invitations, and prepare for meaningful connections to flourish.

Join the Challenge

If you haven't already, consider joining our 100 Days of Personal Growth Challenge. Each day, we're counting down to 2024 with daily 5-minute coaching challenges designed to help us wrap up 2023 on the right foot and prepare for a successful year ahead. Today's challenge invites you to elevate your network and embrace the holiday spirit.

Please share your insights, learnings, and experiences in the comments, or feel free to message me if you want to dive deeper into planning and hosting a successful networking event. Day 15 is your opportunity to celebrate the holidays while expanding your professional horizons.