Mischelle Weaver

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Unlocking the Power of Resilience: Harnessing the Innate Desire for Growth and Sustaining Effective Habits for Leaders

Last week I facilitated an executive roundtable discussion on creating and sustaining effective habits for leaders.  There is so much written about habits – the importance of formalizing our habits in writing, recommendations on how to implement habits for sustainability, even the neurological changes that occur with habit formation.  

While scientists can recommend certain behaviors which promote the likelihood of success when people start new goals and habits, what is missing is why some people simply give up if they don’t succeed out of the gate.

So, what is it that makes one person look at tomorrow as a new opportunity to exceed at what they accomplished today and another decides “well, at least I tried!”  Is it tenacity?  Grit?  Something in their DNA that fortifies their desire to keep climbing the mountain with unquenchable determination.   If only we could bottle that, we’d make a fortune!  Spray on courage.

I believe we are all born with an innate desire to live our best life.  How we are nurtured and the influences we encounter as we grow, all directly impact our belief in ourselves.  If we grow up in an environment where we are told and reminded, we can accomplish great things, we not only believe it, but it also imprints on our soul.  It becomes part of who we are.  

If we didn’t grow up in that kind of environment, all is not lost.  We have the ability to learn it ourselves.  We can make the choice to build our resilience muscles.  We can champion those beliefs and surround ourselves with people who support our dreams.   We just have to decide we want it, acknowledge where we ended today, and reach for new heights tomorrow by accepting the gift of a brand-new day!