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Year end pressures

I recently spoke with a very successful female executive, inquiring about coaching.  She knows it’s something she wants and needs to do but she’s decided that she’s just too busy right now.  She’ll be ready in three months.  I pressed into the specific reasons for postponing getting started, not to just sign another client, but to really understand the reasons for pushing it off into the future.  Here are a few of her reasons:

  • “I don’t have enough time to get everything done as it is.  I’m so disorganized.”  Sound familiar?  I think we’ve all probably used those objections when we feel overwhelmed with what we have on our plate.  The thought of taking on one…more…thing can create anxiety.

  • “I know I really need to do this, but in three months I’ll be in a much better place.”  To this one, I asked a follow-up question.  “So, what I’m hearing is that you have some major projects with deliverables over the next 90 days.  When those are completed, you’ll be better situated.  Is that the case?”  Response “Well no, but I’ll work hard to try and get caught up, and then we can get started.

These are not uncommon responses.  The stress we shoulder can really build up.  If you are in the “spiral” haze that often accompanies year-end pressures, I’d like to offer some suggestions to help cope with those feelings.

  1. Be honest with everything weighing on you.  Even if that’s just being honest with yourself.  

    • Action:  For this, journaling is a really big help.  Write down everything you need to do over the next 33 days of this year.  Don’t let the size of the project be a factor, just get them all down.  Once you’re able to see it, you can start to work through it!

  2. What can you delegate?

    • Action:  What on that list can you hand off to family members or an assistant?  If your highest and best use is not doing those tasks…then don’t do them.  This is where you need to only focus on the highest payoff activities; especially things only you can do.

  3. Get outside help.

    • Action:  There are a lot of people who are looking for some part-time work to make holiday money or just make ends meet.  Consider putting an ad on a neighborhood site or contacting a college student's home for a holiday break.  See if you can utilize them for the next few weeks to take care of odds and ends to free you up.  

Whatever is the best solution for you, please make sure to take some action to help alleviate the pressure.  Remember, asking for help is not a weakness, it’s a strength.  Don’t tell yourself you’ll get some help and support later on, especially when you need it now.


