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How do I get hired for a new job?

When the going gets tough, set yourself up!  While unemployment may be at an all-time low, in some industries it’s just not.  Time to set yourself up to be successful and get you hired!

So, let’s be clear.  Actions do not necessarily equal productivity.  Ambition does not equal productivity.  Best Intention doesn’t equal productivity.  Producing an output, every day equals productivity.  Productivity moves you forward!  Let’s drill into that a little further.

If you’ve applied with a number of companies so far and haven’t heard back from any of them, it might be time to take a look at the process and see if it’s working.  To set yourself up to gain momentum, you need to create a repeatable process to find a new position.

  • Resume.  It may feel like you’ve already updated your resume so you should be good to go.  Yet, you’re not getting any responses, maybe it’s time to review and redo the resume.  Do a few internet searches on sample resumes for your industry.  Make sure yours measures up.  If you’re willing to invest in having a professional look at your resume and make recommendations, find one that is reputable and reasonably priced.

  • Research.  If your industry isn’t hiring right now, it might be time to look into other opportunities where some of your talents translate into new areas.  Find out what industries are actively hiring and see what skills are needed to make the crossover. 

  • Applying.  Cover letter, cover letter, cover letter!  If you aren’t doing a cover letter, you need to.  The cover letter should highlight skills (or keywords) that are listed in the job description you are applying for.  Many large organizations use software programs to scan your submission.  If the program doesn’t find any of the keywords as it scrubs your cover letter and resume, yours will likely end up in a dead file.  

  • Interviewing Skills.  Once you’re able to land an interview, you have to set yourself apart from everyone else that has applied.  Interviewing isn’t easy and the higher level of the position, the more the interviewer is looking for an ideal candidate who will be very successful.  Find yourself a friend who will give you honest and critical feedback.  Ask them to drill you with questions that might be asked during an interview and don’t be afraid to attempt to throw you a curve ball.  Being able to think on your feet and respond well is a talent…practice as much as possible.

  • Commit to the process.  Finding the ideal job might take a little time.  Utilize every avenue you have available to apply – Linked In, internet job boards, recruiters, friends, networks, etc. 

  • Your job is to find a job.  While you’re in transition, this is your job.  Get up each day, get yourself dressed, and ready to go to the “office.”  For now, that’s your computer and your network of people.  Make a pledge that XX number of hours will be spent doing the steps we’ve identified above.  Commit that your day is not over until you have put in the hours and taken the steps to move yourself forward!

What will you do today to find that next position?


