I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

2022 goal setting

We are going to shift away from work and career and talk about what matters to you. 

Just you. 

What have you always wanted to do and couldn’t because something was in the way?  No time, money, support, fill in the blank.  Imagine for a moment that that barrier that’s always gotten in the way is no longer there.  What would you want to do?  Learn to paint, ballet dance, do a stand-up comedy routine?  Write a book, train to run a marathon, take singing lessons, or learn to bake French pastries? Come on…think of it.  If there is nothing to get in your way, what would you want to do?

Most of us, when we start to raise a family or move deeper into our careers, we stop dreaming our dreams.  The things which interested us way back when unfortunately get put on the shelf to collect dust.  Once in a while, we come across something or someone that reminds us of those desires.  We pull those old dreams back up and dust them off for a moment, but before you know it, “adulting” gets in the way so we file them away.  Something we should all remember; we’re not getting any younger.  Life can be so fragile and change in a blink.  So, what are you waiting for?  

Grab your notebook!

I challenge you to list out at least five things you’ve always wanted to do.  Don’t qualify them or overthink it.  Just write.  We dug into this a bit on Day 98, but I want us to move in a bit deeper.  What is one thing you can still do yet this year to move closer to one of your dreams?  

When talking with people about their goals or dreams, one thing I have consistently found is people don’t want to share their dreams.  Why?  They don’t want to feel judged.  Dreams are personal, they’re the things we think about when we’re alone, fantasize about when we’re driving home after work, or write about in our journals.  But we rarely share them.  It takes courage to tell someone what you truly want for yourself, deep down in your soul.  It makes us feel vulnerable.  Unless we’re willing to put ourselves out in the open with what we dream about, we won’t ever get any closer.

Of the five things you listed, which one can you take a step toward today?  The clock for 2022 is ticking so it’s time to take action.  

Share one thing from your list that you’re courageous enough to start on today.  Be fearless and go for it!




DAY 90 - High Five