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Keep the passion going in your career

I don’t know about you, but I believe we all need to have a deep passion for the work we do. There’s a great quote by Oprah Winfrey, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

While I know this is not always the case, I believe we all need to keep it as what we work towards.

I’ve had many, many jobs in my life because I needed to pay the bills. For almost seven years, I worked three jobs to make ends meet. This was certainly not my first choice, but it was absolutely necessary.

Those days when I was dog-tired and didn’t think I could keep it up, I remembered why I was doing it and it kept me going. I always knew there would be a time in my future when I would be passionate about my work. And it certainly became the case.

What’s important to remember is that even when you are doing the work you love and believe in, the passion for it can sometimes wane. It’s bound to happen. It doesn’t mean you don’t love it any longer, it just might mean you need a reset. When those feelings hit me, I know it’s time to do something about it. It has taken time to recognize the warning signs, loss of excitement or enthusiasm, my energy starts to feel low, the snooze button on the alarm clock gets hit (sometimes several times) or I start dreaming about the weekend coming and it’s only 11:00 AM on Monday. We’ve all been there. If you’re there now, let’s get some ideas flowing on how to get back in the right mindset.

Grab your notebook!

Let’s do a little self-evaluation of where you’re at right now with your work:

1. When you got up this morning, did you feel the energy for what lies ahead of you this week?

2. As you’re getting ready for your day, do you feel the excitement?

3. If you have some challenges or extra work on your plate, do you get a real sense of accomplishment when you complete the tasks?

4. Do you find it hard to leave on time because you have more you want to contribute?

5. Do you feel like you make a difference with the work you do?

6. Do you believe your efforts are appreciated?

If you answered no to two or more questions, you probably need to do some soul searching. That doesn’t mean you walk in tomorrow and quit your job. But it does mean that you might need to look at the reasons you feel the way you do.

  • Are you feeling challenged?

  • Is your employer offering you opportunities to grow?

  • Have you taken some downtime to give yourself a break?

  • Are you overwhelmed and don’t know how to work through it?

  • Is a co-worker zapping your energy?

Whatever the cause for feeling like you no longer feel passionate about work, you owe it to yourself to do something about it. Many Americans average 45- and 50-hour work weeks, or more. That doesn’t even take into account the amount of time preparing for work or commuting. With so much time spent at work and away from family, it’s important to love what you do.

When things are going well with work, what are some of the things you really love about it?


DAY 90 - High Five
