I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Should” goals are tough; I have to say!  They are the things you really, really want to do but just can’t manage to get them into a routine.  Maybe you tried it a couple of times, then it just stopped.  I should work out.  I should cut down on my spending (more on that on days 93 & 92!).  I should lose that last 20 pounds.  I should get out and build a stronger network.  I should make figure out how to make some extra money.  The tough part is that every time you don’t do one of the “shoulds,” regret with a large dose of guilt usually follows.  It’s time to either “should” or get off the pot!

Grab your notebook!  First, list all of the shoulds that have beat yourself up for.  All of them!  Second, how old is that should goal?  If it’s been more than a year with no traction, it’s seriously time to ditch it.  Keeping it on the list only brings you down.  It doesn’t mean you won’t add it back on later with a better plan attached to it.  But for now…cross it off!  Third, are they on the list to make you feel better?  To give you a sense that you know you need to get to it?  If that’s the reason…cross it off!  Even if you know you need to do something, like work out, if you have no true intention of making it a habit now, just get rid of it for the time being.  Looking at it as an open item that is never tackled will only unmotivated you.    

With the ones that remain on your goals list, select 2-3 that are really meaningful.  These goals should move you forward if achieved, personally or professionally.  If that’s the case, those are goals worth your time and energy.  

Share in the comments what is one thing you kept on the list and one thing you let go of?




Day 95 - High Five!