I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Accomplishing 2022 goals with only 98 days left in the year

It’s time to re-evaluate your 2022 goals.  If you aren’t someone who creates a goal list at the beginning of the year, it’s okay…keep reading.

I’m not one to do traditional New Year’s resolutions.  But I am someone who writes down my goals, and the things I want to accomplish during the year.  Not to be confused with a bucket list (we’ll do that one later), a goals list can be both personal and professional – and usually, it’s both.  

Grab your notebook!

Yes, I have a “goals” list

It’s time to pull out the list and review the open items; the ones you have not made progress on this year.  Take a few minutes and read through each of them.  But understand that I’m really pressing on you to take the time and think about each goal.  Give it some honest consideration. Does the goal still matter to you?  Is it even attainable with only 99 days of the year left?  Re-evaluating and deciding goals are no longer important is not failure, it’s perfectly acceptable to re-access what is important.  Priorities change, and so will you.  Goals are only relevant if they are consistent with where you are at in life or what you truly want.   There’s no judgment here.  Be honest with yourself as you complete this exercise.  

No, I do not have a “goals” list

All good!  What you are being asked to do is to think about some of the goals you want to achieve with 99 days of the year left.  If you’re writing them down for the first time, chances are you have not made any progress towards the goal, yet.  When you consider goals, they should be the things that would make a difference in your life like:

  • Attend cooking classes on how to make simple weekday meals.

  • Take a spin class twice a week.

  • Join a book club.

  • Learn to knit scarves for holiday gifts.

The most important part about goal setting is to remember that the goal MUST BE ATTAINABLE! If your goal is to run a 10K during the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot and you don’t even own running shoes yet, chances are that that is not attainable since Thanksgiving is 68 days away.  Unless of course, you can devote a large amount of time to training.  That would be a great goal to put on your list in January for 2023!  The point is if you do not have the time or resources to accomplish your 2022 goals in the 99 days remaining, consider it for next year.  

Okay, my list is done, now what?

Fantastic!  Which is your number 1 goal, the one that means the most to you?  The one that would give you the greatest sense of accomplishment.  Do just one thing today towards that number one goal.  

  • Attend cooking classes on how to make simple weekday meals.  Find a class online in your area and either inquire about the dates or better yet, sign up for the next one.

  • Take a spin class twice a week.  Go to your local rec center or find a spin class.  Stop by and observe a class for a few minutes today.

  • Join a book club.  Find a book club through your local library, Meet Up, or Nextdoor.

  • Learn to knit scarves for holiday gifts.  Go to a nearby craft store and inquire about a knitting class.  Find some beginner knitting courses on YouTube.  Purchase the knitting needles and yarn for your first project.

One simple act to move you forward is your job for today.  Make it happen!

Please share with me your realistic goal in the comments or feel free to email me if you’d like to go more into depth on this topic.


