I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

In Part ll of our Learning to Lead series, we’re going to look at some of the actions great leaders take to elevate their game.  If we accept a role as a leader, it’s necessary to always be working on ourselves first before we can have the knowledge and expertise to support others on their path.  We need to walk the walk!

  1. Skills – are you being intentional with elevating your skills?  Does your calendar reflect time blocking for reading, courses, seminars, etc., necessary to level up your game?  

    1. Identify at least 3 books on leadership or coaching that you will read by the end of the year.  We have a number of recommended books on our bookshelf.

    2. Is there a seminar or course, either in-person or virtual, that speaks to the skills you need to invest in?  

    3. Mentoring – do you have a mentor you can reach out to and schedule lunch before the end of the year?  Bring a list of questions to get feedback or simply use it as talking points.  

If you do not have the commitment to take action, how will you expect the people you lead to do so?

  1. Hire a coach - if you’ve never had a coach before, it can truly be a game changer.  It goes without saying that we’d love to help in this area.  But whether it’s our company or another option, it will serve you well to look into hiring a coach to really elevate your leadership skills.

  2. Optimize – while you are taking on additional skills training, coaching, etc., it’ll be important to optimize your time, so you are able to devote part of your day/week to leading and leveling up your skills.  Planning your time efficiently will be a lifesaver.  Block out time at least a week in advance in order to make sure other meetings or projects work around these commitments.  Schedule as many tasks as possible – then stick to them.  

  3. Re-access & refine – after a couple of weeks of scheduling and taking your new actions, re-access to ensure it’s all working as you intended.  If you want to be a leader and role model to others, you need to ensure you are operating at your highest and best use.  Always!

Making these additions to how you operate each day is a shift in lifestyle.  When you deepen your commitment to something really important, it expands your desire to achieve it.  These actions are not busy work, they are actions to move you closer toward your life’s work of leading people at the highest level…including yourself!  


DAY 45 - High Five!
