I hope you’re following along as we countdown the final 100 days of 2022 - you can join us anytime. Learn more about the program HERE.

Why aren't my friends happy I got a new job?

Chances are that when you share your goals & dreams with people, someone invariably will step on them.  They’ll tell you why you shouldn’t waste your time or why they think it’s a crazy idea.  You might think, “why would they do that if they care about me?”  Because this behavior isn’t about you.  It’s about them.

People who want to improve themselves, and share their journey, become a mirror for those who don’t.  Think about it.  If you and your closest friend are both stuck in dead-end jobs, but you start taking online courses to level up your skills to get a much better job, the friend is left behind.  Not only will they be left to stay in the dead-end job, but further the time you spend on our courses might take away time with them.  I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, misery loves company.  

It's important to remember that the people who love us, most often want what’s best for us.  It might not feel that way if they put down the things you are doing to improve your life.  Understand where that’s coming from and when the time is right, talk it through.  But do not let that derail your dream!  Stay the course and know that it will most likely work itself out.

Grab your notebook!

If you’re struggling with a similar situation, take time and in the present tense, write out what this new dream or goal means to you.  Imagine you’ve already completed the courses or training.  Feel the empowerment of completing your goal!  If you feel your motivation waning, pull the notebook out and read it.  You’ve got this.

It’s time.  What steps can you take today to get your skills leveled up?  Get moving even if it means checking out courses online to see if the schedules work for you.  Take action, you’ll be happy you did.




DAY 85 - High Five