Putting Geniuses to Work on Teams - Working Genius

Are you losing great people from your team?  Sometimes, many times, it’s not about the money!

We have to think differently about attracting and retaining talent.  It starts with putting the right people into positions that bring them joy and energize them.  If the people on our teams are frustrated or burnt out, that negativity can quickly spread across the company and negatively impact a company’s culture.  It also means high turnover rates.

In a 2021 Gallup survey, it was found that employees who are struggling are twice as likely to leave their employers for new opportunities.  While the current marketplace is seeing reductions in staff in some sectors like technology, many industries are still thriving and seeking good employees.  It is more important than ever to avoid costly turnover expenses and focus on retention.  

So how do you identify what jobs bring your team joy?  The 6 Types of Working Genius.  Unlike many of the profile assessments on the market, Working Genius focuses on the areas of work that bring the employee joy and satisfaction as well as identifying their frustrations.  This tool is easy to understand, can be immediately applied, and most importantly is relevant to every kind of work.  And an added bonus…it is very affordable!

As a certified Working Genius facilitator, I can show you how to use this incredible tool with your team.  We all should be working in our “genius.”


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