Unleash Your Potential: Create a Plan for Intentional Growth in 2023

We’ve already checked off the first month of 2023.  My question to you is do you have a plan for intentional growth?  

About 15 years ago I stopped making New Year’s resolutions and instead, I started to focus on “what will matter to me most in the year ahead?  What can I do to help me feel great about where I’m at in life and where I want to go?”

That’s when I started to make a plan for intentional growth.  And it has been working ever since.  I had to get really honest with myself and figure out what I needed to include/exclude in order to be successful.  In the end, there are only a few components to it:

  1. Keep it simple.  If it’s too complex or requires too much preparation each time I work on it – it won’t get done.

  2. Keep it fun.  While I love learning, I also know that if what I want to do is not something I can really enjoy, or it becomes mundane – it won’t get done.

  3. Keep it achievable.  I work best when I have benchmarks along the way to track progress.  Whether it’s a new video series that has different modules, a workbook, or a project where I can us a checklist – my motivation is fueled by incremental progress where I can check things off.  If there is no element for that – it won’t get done.

Growth comes in many shapes and sizes:  reading more, developing a new talent, or finding a workshop or seminar in your area of interest.  The most important part of planning for intentional growth is to commit & do!  The plan can look any way you want it to.  Decide what is best for you, what gives you the best chance of success and then start.  The timing doesn’t have to be perfect; the conditions do not need to be optimal – today is the best day to start.  What is your plan for intentional growth?

Readers will learn how to get honest with themselves, identify what they need to include or exclude to be successful, and find the best approach to growth that fits their needs and interests. Whether it's reading more, developing a new talent

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