100 days left in 2022

Not only is it not too late to make this year really count, but it’s also time to double down.  There is still so much that can be accomplished yet this year without further exhausting you.  We believe by providing a daily coaching tip that chunks down each of these last 100 days of 2022, we will help you to create routines and habits that will foster a calmer and less hectic schedule.  We will also provide some reminders on taking time for yourself, your family, and your friends.   

With each coaching tip, we will provide you with an action item that is to be done the same day.  The only way to be truly successful is to take action every day, without fail.  Trust me when I say that the satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment of having taken the daily steps are amazing!

After every 5 days of tips, we’ll provide a recap checkup to see how you’re tracking.  The goal is not to fill your schedule more, it is to be more efficient and effective with the time you have.  Remember, within the last 100 days of the year, we have the holidays!  Don’t you want to enjoy them this year?  I don’t know about you but the holidays over the last couple of years have not been nearly as enjoyable because of the pandemic.  This year, let’s get things into shape, starting now, so we can all make the most of this time of year with our family and friends.

Will you join us? Grab your notebook and write down what comes to mind about your goals for 2022 and share in the comments what you want to accomplish in the next 100 days.

Day 100 – Re-Evaluating your 2022 goals.  How did you do with narrowing down the goals that are still relevant and attainable yet this year?

Day 99 - Get Rid of the Small Stuff – How did you do on getting rid of the petty annoyances that are draining your energy?  

Day 98 – Does It Still Matter – Letting go of goals that no longer matter is okay!  This allows us to focus on what does.  Did you re-evaluate where you’re at and decide what goals are still important?

Day 97 – Relationships Matter – Number One – Self – Somewhere along the way many of us got it in our heads that taking care of ourselves is selfish.  Are you working towards ensuring you are taking great care of yourself and making it a priority?

Day 96 – Do Mornings Drain You – So probably the toughest coaching tip of this week!  Hopefully, you’ll give the early 5:00 AM rise and shine time a chance to work.  It’s such a powerful tip and with the right mindset, it can really make a difference.

Day 95 - High Five - time to evaluate your progress.

Day 94 – I Know I Should – Did you take the brave step of letting go of the “should” goals? If you were able to shake free of those goals that haunt you and never get resolved, good for you!

Day 93 – Spending & Savings Plan – Building a Budget – If you took the time to build or update your budget…I’m so proud of you! This is not a fun exercise, but it can be one of the most important things you do for yourself and your family!

Day 92 – Spending & Savings Plan – Evaluating Expenses – While evaluating everything you spend your money on is a cumbersome process, it can be incredibly freeing. It’s essential to have a true understanding of where your money is going. As it’s often said, “knowledge is power.” When we know what we have to work with, we can make meaningful decisions on what needs to change in order to gain peace of mind, and even more importantly, we’re prepared in case something significant happens to us or someone in the family.

Day 91 – Keep the Passion Going – Are you feeling the passion in your work? If not, I hope you took the time to evaluate where you’re out and recognized that it’s important to address it.

Day 90 - High Five - time to evaluate your progress.

Day 89 – What’s Stopping You Now?  – The time to go after the things you’ve always wanted is now!  Don’t hold back, go after the things you’ve always wanted to do.  What do you really want for your life?  Did you find 5 things that speak to you and make progress toward any of them?

Day 88 – Are You Grateful – Gratitude matters.  When we show gratitude to others, It pulls away the focus from ourselves.  And that can be a really good thing.  Fair warning, when we do things for others, it can become addictive 😊.  For me personally, a practice of gratitude fills my soul!  What actions did you take this last week to show someone how much they matter?  What habits of gratitude did you adopt that you will commit to continuing?

Day 87 – Today Tell a Teacher They Matter – People who invest their lives into teaching future generations are heroes in my book.  Let’s face it, they don’t do it for the financial gains, it’s their calling.  Did you take the time to tell a teacher they matter?

Day 86 – Asking For Help Isn’t Weakness, It’s Strength – Being displaced from your job can be gut-wrenching.  If that’s happened to you, be strong and tell the people around you, who can support you, that you need their help.  Even if it’s a shoulder to lean on.  If you know someone who has gone through that, be there for them.  Are making a difference for yourself or someone else going through this?  

Day 85 - High Five! - Time to evaluate your progress

DAY 84 - Just Don’t Listen to Them - It's important to remember that the people who love us, most often want what’s best for us. It might not feel that way if they put down the things you are doing to improve your life. Understand where that’s coming from and when the time is right, talk it through. But do not let that derail your dream! Stay the course and know that it will most likely work itself out.

DAY 83 - Raise Necessity - What habits have you longed to put into place but can’t figure out why you haven’t?  Make a list then look into the necessity of the habit. Identify at least 2 habits you will implement this week based on your evaluation.  Find the “why” and you will raise your necessity for success.

DAY 82 - COACH TO COACH - This book is loaded with poignant and powerful quotes which tie directly into its teachings. Whether you follow sports or not, the athletic backdrop is perfect for how to challenge, encourage and support someone you are coaching or mentoring in any environment. It’s not to be missed!

DAY 81 - Finding A Voice To Be A Leader - It’s important to remember the way we teach and lead our children as parents through our actions and our words, our voice, is also how our peers observe and learn from us as well. When we show leadership, conviction, empathy, and pride in our work it will always rub off on the right people. And those who are ready to listen are the ones we can help to become the leaders of tomorrow. Leadership is learned and earned. Who in your life, whether personal or professional, can you help guide and lead? Find that person and show interest in them and offer to help coach them to find their voice.

Day 80 - High Five!

Day 79 – Be True to Your Word – We all want to be known for fulfilling our commitments to each other, especially when there are so many things that feel out of our control.  Consider this important reminder the next time you feel yourself trying to back out of a promise.  If you are someone who stepped up today and was true to your word – high five to you!

Day 78 – “A year from now…” – While almost all of us procrastinate at one time or another, take stock of what is really important to you and if you take action today, a year from now you’ll be so happy you did!  Did you take a crucial step today toward your future?

Day 77 – Identify Your Number One “Thing” – When we are bombarded with something coming at us, sometimes we just need to get quiet and think about the one or two things that deserve our focus.  Not for other people, but for ourselves.  Identify that one “thing” and make an effort to push yourself forward.  Make progress with that one goal.  You’ll be so happy you did!

Day 76 – Have Something to Look Forward To – Don’t wait for that once-a-year vacation or a holiday to have something to look forward to.  This is something you can use to bring the entire family together.  We all need something to look forward to, something that helps motivate us to work through the tough days.  If you took the time to identify your next ‘something’ – high five to you!

Day 75 - High Five

Day 74 - Whether it’s a corporate environment, a manufacturing company, a school, or a church, if there is not a positive, inclusive, and engaging culture for the employees, it is very difficult to be successful. It is vitally important for you as an employee to recognize a toxic environment and evaluate what you can do for yourself. Just as vitally important for leadership to fix its issues and make the workplace more inviting.

Day 73 - Are you a Sunday Blues person?  Before this next weekend is over, I challenge you to take the steps to try and figure out why.  What’s the reason?  No one should feel that way and it’s time to take action to work through it!

Day 72 - Just get moving! In her book Do/Walk / Navigate earth, mind and body. Step by step., Libby cites the many health benefits walking provides, including improving moods. I can completely attest to how this helps moods. I challenge all of you to start now and take your morning walk.

Day 71 - We need to avoid burnout! If you’re in a position that requires a significant amount of time and energy, more than the norm, remember to do what’s necessary to take care of yourself. Be smart about the hours you clock. If it’s more than you can handle, you must have a conversation with your boss. Hopefully, they will recognize the toll it’s taking and do something about it. If not, then you might have to consider making a change.

Day 70 - High Five! Evaluate your progress.

Day 69 – Let’s Be Honest – Sometimes facing the real reasons we feel stuck, can be difficult.  While it isn’t always pleasant, it can be freeing and clarifying to know if you are playing a part in your struggles.  If you did the work to examine what’s going on right now, what you’re facing – high five!

Day 68 – Let’s Get You Hired – If you are facing unemployment or need a job change, it’s going to take effort.  If you put some of our recommended actions in place – nicely done!  Time to shake things up.

Day 67 – Model the Leader – A role model or mentor can have a profound impact on your career.  It did for me.  Did you find that person who you admire and look at what you can do to emulate their positive behaviors?  Way to go!

Day 66 – Networking Matters Part l – The value of a strong and quality network is a game-changer.  However, that type of network takes effort and commitment.  In Part l, we look at how to build or re-build your network.  Did you take action to become a master networker?  This is not something to put off!

Day 65 - High Five!

Day 64 – Networking Matters, Part ll – In-person, networking events can feel intimidating and uncomfortable.  But for many of us, they’re necessary.  If you put some of our suggested strategies into place, high five!  Don’t avoid these opportunities, prepare, and jump into what they can offer!

Day 63 – Networking Matters, Part lll – Statistics are showing that using your network to find a job or advance your career is the only way to go.  If you used some of the recommended actions to utilize your network in your job search – that’s fantastic!  

Day 62 – Networking Matters, Part lV – Give back to your network.  What makes a strong network so valuable is the way people use it to build stronger relationships, make connections and get assistance when needed.  This is achieved by receiving and giving support to those around us, reciprocally.  If you made the time to give back to those in your network this week, high five!

Day 61 – Book Recommendation – Make Your Bed.  This is a powerful book, one that is both thought-provoking and enjoyable to read.  If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do.  Admiral McRaven is a true storyteller and brings up so many incredible principles that we all can learn from.  Did you add it to your library?

Day 60 - High Five! Time to evaluate your progress.

Day 59 – It’s All in Your Head – What do you want to do, but keep talking yourself out of?  Creating barriers for ourselves because we don’t believe we can achieve our goals can be paralyzing.  What have you talked yourself out of?  Change the script and get out there and do it!  If you moved yourself forward, high five!

Day 58 – Three Weeks Until Thanksgiving – Let’s Get Organized – The holidays are upon us and before we know it, all of the tasks to get ready have fallen into our laps.  Let’s get you organized and take some pressure off.  Use the list templates we’ve provided and be more organized going into the holiday season!  

Day 57 – Finish What You Start – When those voices in our head tell us to just give up, turn around and go home, or stop now before things get tougher – RESIST!  You never know the opportunity you might be leaving behind if you retreat.   Talk yourself into being persistent, and not on giving up.  

Day 56 – Are You Waiting for Permission – The only person you need permission from, to achieve your goals, is you!  We all own our choices and decisions, so why not let that be enough to keep us motivated to go after what we want?  You are enough!

Day 55 - High Five!

Day 54 – I’m Overwhelmed – Don’t get caught up in the overwhelm, chunk it down to what’s the cause.  Be clear and don’t procrastinate.  If you faced something stressing you head-on this week, High Five!!

Day 53 – Okay, What’s the Plan? – Now’s the time to start the groundwork for what you want to do in 2023.  Sometimes the sheer amount of preparation, planning, and budgeting catches us off guard.  Did you take a step toward what you want for yourself in 2023?  If you did, that’s fantastic!!!

Day 52 – Why Do It Alone – Reinvent the “book club” approach and make it about supporting each other with a Goals Group.  What an incredible way to start a support group that is fully invested in encouraging each other’s goals and dreams, collectively.  Now is the time to get started with a December kick-off meeting.  Make it fun, make it your own!

Day 51 – What’s Your Legacy – What are the things you truly want for your legacy?  How do you want to be remembered?  The decisions we make today, even without realizing it, build our legacy.  Take the time to consider what you’re building!

Day 50 - High Five! Time to evaluate your progress.

Day 49 – Perfection Isn’t Real – There are a lot of us who struggle with trying to be perfect.  Recognizing this about ourselves and accepting perfection isn’t a real thing is truly half the battle.  If this has been a struggle for you and you’re taking a good, hard look at it…high five!

Day 48 –Listen Up Leaders! – Stepping into being a leader is a choice.  Being a great leader is work and commitment.  We kick of the Learning to Lead series by defining the differences between being a manager and a leader.  Are you ready to lead at a higher level?

Day 47 – Learning to Lead Series Part l – In the first segment we dove into understanding the impact a leader has, the importance of showing authentic interest in your team, and the reminder to always bring your best self each day.  Did any of these speak to you?  Recognizing it is important so high five!

Day 46 – Learning to Lead Series Part ll –  People devoted to leading at a higher level understand that they must be constantly leveling up their own skill sets so they can provide direction, support, and guidance.  What are you going to commit to in order to elevate your game?

Day 45 - High Five

Day 44 – Learning to Lead Part lll – Intentionally connecting with those around you to ensure they feel seen, valued, and heard, is the basis of great leadership.  Are you building connections into your weekly practice?

Day 43 – Learning to Lead Part lV – The essence of leading people at a higher level begins with understanding people and their “story.”  Everyone has a story.  We are partially a product of where we’ve come from with all our humanness and imperfections.  Connect with the people on your team and get to know their stories! 

Day 42– Learning to Lead Series Part V – Discernment is the ability to see the things that are not said, see the things that are not evident, and use the information to lead your teams.  Discernment is a talent every great leader develops.  

Day 41 – Learning to Lead Series Part VI – When we step into leadership, confidentiality and boundaries are essential.   Developing boundaries in order to maintain the integrity of the position held and maintain confidentiality for the organization is the essence of demonstrating you are a trusted leader.   Are you operating with integrity?

Day 40 - High Five! Time to celebrate your progress.

Day 39 - Continuing in our Learning to Lead series we talked about how people follow leaders they respect. The ability to own their mistakes, come from a place of humility, be trusted, always operate with integrity, follow through on commitments, communicate, and show sincerity and gratitude for their teams… are traits people desire in their leaders.

Day 38 - Being a leader takes courage. There are times when it is downright scary to be the leader, the one calling the plays. It’s important to evaluate whether would you rather follow a leader who made an informed and difficult decision that had a less-than-desirable outcome?  Or a leader who couldn’t muster the courage to make a decision for the fear of looking bad?

Day 37 - Gratitude for your dreams. With only 37 days left in the year, I encourage you to write down at least five of your dreams/goals for 2023 and beyond. The sky is the limit! Do not be afraid of the future, be grateful for the opportunities you have had and will continue to have.

Day 36 - You have 36 days to figure out what your North Star will be in 2023. Take this time to reflect on how 2022 has gone for you and what you need or should focus on next year. In the post, I have given you 60 ideas to get you started.

Day 35 - High Five

Day 34 - This is your reminder to spend 15 minutes each Sunday for the remainder of the year decluttering your surroundings. This simple practice can help your holidays run more smoothly and give you a breath of fresh air.

Day 33 - Are you experiencing an end-of-year haze? Are you so overwhelmed you don’t know where to start? Remember, asking for help is not a weakness, it’s a strength.  Don’t tell yourself you’ll get some help and support later on, especially when you need it now.

Day 32 - Most people share a common thread of wanting to be on the winning side.  Winning feels good and creates job satisfaction.  When teams see they have a leader who wants them to win and to bring out the best in them, most people will respond favorably to it.  If they don’t, then you will need to take steps to make changes.  As a leader, get to know your team first.  Come to your own conclusions.  Evaluate what you need to do to rally your team and invest in bringing out the best in them!

Day 31 - It’s easy to get caught up in your day, but try to push back this holiday season. Take time today to be kind to someone in a way that makes their day better even though you may never cross paths with them again.  Leave a “caring” footprint behind.  It matters. 

Day 30 - High Five! Time to celebrate your progress.

Day 29 - As we hit the home stretch of 2022, keep focused on the goals you’ve set for yourself. Remember that with each day we’re building a life for ourselves and our families that will continue to nurture and challenge us to be our best selves! You’ve got this!

Day 28 - Our thoughts dictate our actions, plain and simple. The actions determine our results. Do not put the important things off any longer. It’s time to create an outcome so vivid in your mind that you can see it. If you think you can – you’re right!

Day 27 - If you are considering finding a coach, recognize that while it can feel scary to be honest and yes, vulnerable with a coach, it is intended to be a safe and non-judgmental place to share your thoughts and collaboratively create steps and actionable behaviors to achieve your goals.  Coaching is not therapy.  Coaching is where you find support, accountability, encouragement, and guidance to push through barriers and self-imposed limitations.  Coaching can be a very effective way to help you to move towards your best life.

Day 26 - During this holiday season, be intentional about bringing an open heart of service to the people in your family, network, and community.  It will be the greatest gift you’ve ever experienced.

Day 25 - High Five

Day 24 - Let’s NOT circle back after the New Year. I challenge you to deal with the here and now and not put off for tomorrow what you can accomplish today. And when your colleague says let’s circle back, give a little pushback to them instead.

Day 23 - I believe kindness, caring, and compassion for others resides in all of us.  We control when to let it out and when to not bother ourselves with the challenges others face.

Day 22 - The media paints a picture of teenagers always being so wrapped up in their technology, disengaging from being part of the world around them.  I’m reminded that painting all kids with the broad brush of “they don’t care” is completely wrong.  I encourage everyone to find ways to pull your kiddos into opportunities that just might speak to their hearts, you might just be surprised!

Day 21 - What is far more difficult than a bad decision is living with the regret of not taking the chance when we could. It’s okay to feel uncertain, even a bit scared. Those are the feelings that remind us that we’re alive. Life would be so boring if we knew what was around every corner. We have the power to say yes to the unknown and the power to change direction if it’s not what we envisioned. So be fearless, take a chance!

Day 20 - High Five! Time to celebrate your progress.

Day 19 - Now is the perfect time to begin planning for 2023. It may feel impossible to add more things to your to-do list this time of year, but setting aside only 10 minutes a day with your planner will make your future self ready to focus on what really matters in 2023.

Day 18 - The holidays are upon us and even though it’s easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle I want to remind you not everything needs to be perfect, do not forget to surpass a few people, and remember to cherish time together.

Day 17 - The farm hand was prepared for the storm - are you? What things can you do this coming year to prepare for a possible storm?  Stress and worry take their toll on us when we’re caught off guard and unsure of how to navigate a challenge.  What if you committed to being prepared for those potential issues?

Day 16 - Turning your dreams into reality takes planning. I shared a few of my favorite paper planners to help you (or someone you care about) get those plans started.

Day 15 - High Five

Day 14 - A great coach is someone who believes in and encourages you, creates an environment of accountability, offers valuable and unfettered feedback, helps to see different perspectives, and supports you in developing a plan to achieve the life and career you’ve always envisioned. But it takes real commitment. Are you ready to hire a coach in 2023?

Day 13 - Celebrating and recognizing Hanukkah as a believer or as an observer is important for all of us. Sending love and peace to every one of the Jewish faith.  Happy Hanukkah!

Day 12 - The idea of seasons in life dates back to biblical times, a way of representing a person’s focus and needs to be based on where they were in their lives. Each season of life has beauty and opportunity.  We decide for ourselves how we view it and what we do to make the most of the time we’re in.  As we approach another new year, look at the season you’re in and decide how you will make it the best possible time you can.   

Day 11 - Have A Little Faith is a remarkable, true story.  Asked to write the eulogy for his childhood Rabbi, Albom embarked on a journey that spanned eight years.  Realizing he knew very little about the Rabbi personally, Albom set out to get to know the man better, seeking to understand who he was, his beliefs, his fears, and the challenges he faced. This is truly the season of hope, and I can’t imagine anyone who is not moved by this incredible book.




Being Classy When Others Aren’t